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Herbal remedies have been in use for tens
of thousands of years. To some extent western
culture started to move away from these natural
remedies in the late 19th century, in the early
20th century with the advent of penicillin the
established medical profession stated to dismiss
many of the known benefits of herbal medicine in
favour of quick fix solutions apparently offered
by modern technological advances.
During the late
20th century many had come to see that modern
medicines had serious side effects and did not
necessarily get to the root cause of illness,
but rather treated the symptoms.
There are many
branches or Herbalism and indeed many herbal
remedies and approaches across the world, from
English to Chinese Herbalists and beyond. Each
country or perhaps continent has grown up over
many centuries to lean about the properties of
the natural environment in healing disease... |
If you have a sound
knowledge of this subject and would like to
submit a well informed article please send Feedback
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