
Notice: On 20th October this site will undergo
some major changes... more |

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Therapists corner
Being or perhaps more importantly becoming
a professional therapist is often an uphill journey, often training
costs and accrediting with a professional governing body costs not just
huge amounts of money, but, real determination and perseverance.
Practitioners starting out soon understand that
growing a practice comes from constant input, focused energy, drive,
determination and dedication.
They respect their clients and fellow colleagues and
follow the code of ethics outlined by their governing bodies.
Much more soon...
Send your
comments and ideas
Help for the Helper:
The Psychophysiology of Compassion
Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma
Babette Rothschild |
An often neglected area in psychotherapeutic
literature and therapeutic trainings. It is interesting to think about vicarious
trauma and compassion fatigue, and how we sometimes need to 'turn towards
ourselves to avoid 'burn out'. Importantly this does not mean we are not doing
our job, indeed it means we can be more effective practitioners. Babette
helpfully outlines the neurophysiology of the body's arousal system, how it can
get activated in therapeutic work and the importance of 'keeping your edges',
i.e. your sense of separateness from your client. She gives examples and
strategies to manage burn out and stress, and stay in the calm. A valuable book
for experienced practitioners and trainees.
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The Essential Skills for
Setting Up a Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice
Stephen Palmer, Gladeana McMahon |
Being a good
therapist may not, in itself, be sufficient to be successful in
self-employment. This guide to running and setting up a
successful psychotherapy or counselling practice could help. In
three sections, the book covers the essential business,
professional and personal skills and includes areas such as
insurance, finance, legal issues, marketing, discuss the need
for sound business skills, professional development,
self-knowledge and motivation. Also an invaluable reference for
all mental health professionals who are considering setting up
their own private practice.
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