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The Language of Yoga
If you are a Yoga teacher or a serious yoga student, this is a must have reference. The complete layout of the book along with the 2 CDs is so easy to follow. When you look at the CD, you can repeat the Sanskrit Asana over and over again until you have it memorised. It gives you the correct pronuncation for just about everything.
Nicolai Bachman
A719261 |
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Beyond Dynamic Yoga - The Power Of Ashtanga DVD
If you have tried Astanga Yoga classes and felt at all lost or intimidated then this video may well provide the guidance for home practice. Note: It is essential to attend professional classes before attempting Astanga yoga at home.
Visual Entertainment
A717481 |
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Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers and Practitioners
A wonderful yoga practice manual from David Coulter focusing on Hatha Yoga with deep attention to the breath and every physical movement within yoga practice from the relative root of Raja Yoga
David Coulter
A712241 |
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Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class
Bikram Choudhury's guide to correct posture and alignment, the book contains and explains exactly how each posture should feel as both ideal as a reality. The book is easy to follow and an insirational guide to Bikram Yoga.
Bikram Choudhury
A710741 |
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The Language of Yoga Nicolai Bachman
If you are a Yoga teacher or a serious yoga student, this is a must have reference. The complete layout of the book along with the 2 CDs is so easy to follow. When you look at the CD, you can repeat the Sanskrit Asana over and over again until you have it memorised. It gives you the correct pronuncation for just about everything. Click to Order UK
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1926 |
The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice Georg Feuerstein
This huge book offers a detailed, expansive and integrated view of yoga which runs to over 700 pages and covers Raja-Yoga, Hatha-Yoga, Jnana-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Tantra-Yoga. It is a comprehensive yet very readable. It also covers all aspects of Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina Yoga, including history, philosophy, literature, psychology and practice. In addition, included are translations of twenty Yoga treatises and the first translation of the Goraksha Paddhati. Click to Order UK
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1754 |
Zafu Meditation Cushion Buckwheat filling
A zafu meditation cushion customarily used in Buddhist tradition. Made from strong 100% cotton drill filled with buckweat. Features a hidden pleat to allow removal of the filling in the event of the cushion requiring to be washed. The zafu has an integral carrying handle for easy carrying. Click to Order UK
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2101 |
Being and Becoming: Psychodynamics, Buddhism, and the Origins of Selfhood Franklyn Sills
Being and Becoming is a wide-ranging analysis of the nature of being and selfhood. The book presents an original, integrated paradigm with the aim of creating a comprehensive overview of the human condition—and finding ways to alleviate our suffering. In essence, the book explores the question, “What does it mean to be?” Click to Order UK
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2090 |
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