
Notice: On 20th October this site will undergo
some major changes... more |

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Yoga Postures and their Sanskrit Names
The Eight Limbs
Sanskrit |
Tadasana |
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Mountain Pose |
Trikonasana |
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Extended Triangle Pose |
Chandrasana |
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Half Moon Pose |
Utthita Parsvakonasana |
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Extended Lateral Angle Pose |
Virabhadrasana I |
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Warrior I Pose |
Virabhadrasana II |
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Warrior II Pose |
Adho Mukha Svanasana |
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Downward Facing Dog Pose |
Chaturanga Dandasana |
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Four-Limbed Staff Pose |
UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana |
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Upward Facing Dog Pose |
Setu Bandasana |
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Bridge Pose |
Jathara Parivartanasana |
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Revolved Abdominal Pose |
Supta Padangusthasana |
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Supine Big Toe Pose |
Dandasana |
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Staff Pose |
Paripurna Navasana |
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Complete Boat Pose |
Baddha Konasana |
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Bound Angle Pose |
Plank |
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Plank |
Chaturangadandasana |
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Crocodile |
Cat-Cow |
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Cat-Cow |
Vajrasana |
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Thunder Bolt Pose |
Bharadvajasana |
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Seated Side Twist |
Suptaikapadaparivrttasana |
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Supine Twist |
Bhujadhanurasana |
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Shoulder Bow |
Uttanasana |
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Standing Forward Bend |
Uttanasana |
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Intense Stretch Pose |
Lunge |
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Lunge |
Utktasana |
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Chair Pose |
Bhujangasana |
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Cobra |
Savasana |
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Corpse Pose |
The Eight Limbs
Yama |
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Consideration for others, right communication,
non-covetousness, moderation and non-greed. |
Niyama |
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Purity, contentment, removal of impurities, self
study and reverence to a higher intelligence (divine energy). |
Asana |
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Alert, relaxed practice of posture. |
Pranayama |
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Regulated breathing. |
Pratyahara |
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Restraint of the senses, relaxation through
inward focus. |
Dharana |
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Concentration - the ability to direct our minds. |
Dhyana |
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Meditation - The unbroken flow of thought toward the object
of concentration. |
Samadhi |
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Illumination |
Other Sanskrit
and Pali translations...

Further Reading...
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Hatha Yoga
(The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being)
Yogi Ramacharaka |

FREE to download. This is a wonderful
opportunity. This is gem of an old Yoga book on healthy living, diet and
personal hygiene! It covers in some detail; correct breathing, relaxation, and
even postures within daily life. Although Hatha Yoga was written just over a
hundred years ago, its teachings are as accurate today as they were then and may
offer some insight into just how diminished some yoga practices have become in
recent years. Much of this book may well be very revealing to modern students.
Download (Free)
More Yoga Books

Friday 14 March 2025

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